Tuesday, September 13, 2022

These 10 iOS 16 hidden features will blow your mind!

HAHAHAHA! First time I tested Dictation feature while playing on this video and look!

This will save me a lot of time transcribing my videos soon. 

There is a redesigned dictation mode you’ll see a larger microphone down at the bottom right of the screen that what makes this particular implementation special is that able to recognise natural speech patterns in your voice this means that it can add punctuation and even add emojis from spoken word fire emoji 100 emoji laughing cat face emoji get that one to work well actually did that’s pretty impressive and then did you see that when I paused and it went back and fix a whole bunch of errands period it added, as I didn’t get the 100 Mel Jurado- so it’s not bullet-proof for the best part about all of this is that instead of bringing out the keyboard like it did before it’s still there so you can dictate and then you can add or track stuff with the keyboard while it’s still accepting dictation this is much more powerful than it was in the past

Works is you can go into settings go down to the notepad and kill about you to set up a password for locking your notes and it’s not just the password to unlock your phone so you can give someone access to unlock your phone without giving them access to your locker notes for photo albums to use this feature go into the notes app on your phone and if you long press on I know you’ll notice that you have the option to lock it appoint a little padlock to shop next to it and then you can toggle you know between unlock and lock when you exit the notes and it will realise you never know when you try to access it again to put in Face ID I said I want to talk about maps that has been getting a lot of updates as of late and to be honest some of them are pretty cool but first one is completely unnecessary so now when you search of a famous landmark rather than showing you a little dance on a map eventually zoom in and show you the 3-D model and in some cases like for example Apple headquarters of course it actually has a new option called flyover which will switch to the satellite view and use a gyroscope on the phone to give you a sort of AR view and from there you can even start a tour which sort of goes into this weird automated camera that circles it Out weird but it’s kind of cool the flyover I guess it’s kind of cool did you like a drone is a view of the landmark in 3-D with actual satellite imagery I don’t really see this is useful when chemical was actually cool is multi stop running Hanoi this has come to Apple maps you can add multiple stops along the way for directions another place to watching driving transit spaceship travel like it thank you this really should have been in maps for a long time it is answer and yes thanks for thanks speaking of being late you know how android phones since the very Don of civilisation have had have to feedback when you type on the keyboard well Apple finally got the memo and implemented that with iOS 16 if you go into your settings sounds and haptics you can finally turn that on and because this is Apple because the tactic engine is probably one of the best vibration and haptic Mraz you ever experienced it’s actually really nice it’s not like someone’s android phones are you tired It’s actually like pretty good do you like my reenactment is a helpful and useful information that you Samantha useful information you know how in safari got a whole bunch of tabs open anyway all my god is so many times I don’t even know what I’m looking at anymore you can rearrange those tabs great but if you want to organise a tangible better long press on a 10 and a new option to Kenneth- for sure this is going to shrink the tent down into a much smaller area put it right at the top and put it nice and out of the way so if you have those tabs did you want to keep open for like six months as we all do decanal Heidemann the top and I’ll take up as much space anymore good feature good Job Veejay already here we go to final feature on my new favourite see is creating stickers super easily through photos now obviously this is going to work best with photos that have the object fully visible and not cut off or obstructed anyway but Apple has done a pretty good job here of training their systems to actually detect the edges of the address I think this thing works pretty well and it’s a lot easier than exporting your photos onto your Mac is creating stickers super easily through photos now obviously this is going to work best with photos that have the object is fully visible and not cut off or obstructed in any way but Apple has done a pretty good job here of training their systems to actually detect the edges of cohesive object I think this thing works pretty well and it’s a lot easier than exporting your photos onto your Mac going into preview or Photoshop I don’t using object isolation over there to create a PNG it on the phone with a single tap know what else you can do with a single tap yeah like this video and then I get another single time to subscribe to the channel if you found this video helpful as usual let me know what your favourites Holy Spirit work in the comments below and I will see you guys in the next video.


With iOS 16 now out for the public, there are a lot of features I'm sure you've seen by now, such as the new Lock Screen, widgets, FaceTime features, and customization. But today I want to go through some features you've hopefully never heard of before! Let's get into it Time stamps 0:00 intro 0:38 Screenshots 1:13 WiFi 1:48 Dictation 3:02 FaceID improvements 3:40 Lockable notes/albums 4:39 Maps 6:02 Keyboard haptics! 6:47 Pin tab in Safari 7:27 Stickers from photos Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeMiani Follow me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lukemiani Join my Subreddit! https://www.reddit.com/r/lukemianiyou... Gear: iFixit Pro Toolkit: https://amzn.to/3bYIzdM Panasonic Lumix GH5: https://amzn.to/3b3oMtj Leica 12-60MM Lens: https://amzn.to/3hQ5URf Sennheiser MKH 416: https://amzn.to/31zGwt2 Zoom H6: https://amzn.to/2ECYSk6 Sennheiser MKE 440: https://amzn.to/2JRwIRU Edelkrone SliderOne V2: https://amzn.to/33mTZmt Amazon Links are affiliate codes and generate small commission to support the channel

Monday, September 5, 2022

What Caffeine Does to the Body

Get your greens today! Go to https://athleticgreens.com/humananatomy to get started on your first purchase and receive a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D and 5 travel packs. __ AG1 by Athletic Greens is a comprehensive, all-in-one greens powder engineered to fill the nutritional gaps in your diet and support your body’s nutritional needs across four pillars of health: Gut health, Immune support, Energy and Recovery! It’s packed with 75 vitamins, minerals, whole-food sourced ingredients and combines the perfect amount of micronutrients, absorption and taste to jumpstart your daily routine. AG1 is available in the US, Canada, UK and Europe. __ What Caffeine Does to the Body __ In this video, Jonathan from the Institute of Human Anatomy discusses how caffeine interacts with the various tissues throughout the human body and produces it's various effects, including potential side effects, safe amounts, and other considerations to keep in mind when using caffeine. __ Cool Stuff Merchandise https://beacons.page/instituteofhuman... Support Us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/instituteofhu... Codex Anatomicus https://codexanatomy.com/?ref=IOHA Coupon Code for 20% OFF: IOHA20 __ Video Timeline 00:00 - 00:36 Intro 00:37 - 01:36 What Exactly is Caffeine? 01:37 - 03:03 The Cells in Your Brain That Interact with Caffeine 03:04 - 05:44 How a Chemical in Your Brain Can Make You Feel Tired 05:45 - 07:30 Other Ways to Feel Energized Without Caffeine? AG1! 07:31 - 08:54 How Caffeine Blocks Receptors and Makes You Feel Energized! 08:55 - 09:52 How Effective is Caffeine? 09:53 - 11:00 How Much Caffeine do You Need? 11:01 - 11:54 Caffeine Tolerance? 11:55 - 14:12 Other Potential Side Effects of Caffeine: The Heart & Kidneys 14:13 - 15:35 Is Caffeine Addictive? What Happens if You Stop Using It? 15:36 - 16:21 Should You Stop Using Caffeine? 16:22 - 17:16 Caffeine Used as a Medicine & Preventative Agent 17:17 - 18:49 Creative Ways to Use Caffeine Audio Credit: www.bensounds.com __ #Caffeine #Coffee #Anatomy

Friday, August 19, 2022

9 Morning Habits to Build Muscle Faster

These are 9 morning habits to help you build more muscle in less time. Boost muscle growth in the morning by planning the perfect breakfast for muscle growth. This morning routine is also something that highly successful people consistently stick to. Simply changing your morning routine can change your life. 🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred: http://bit.ly/2Bv8CL4 📲 FREE Diet/Workout Planner Tool: http://bit.ly/2N41lTX The way you start your day can impact muscle growth, fat loss, motivation, productivity, and many other factors related to being a more successful person. You might've heard that simply making your bed in the morning can help fuel you, to get more complex tasks done throughout the rest of the day. Well, there are also certain morning habits that can either help or hurt your ability to build more muscle and develop a more attractive physique.  And one of the best morning habits if you're serious about building muscle, is to have a big breakfast. Even though you don't necessarily need to eat breakfast to build muscle, it’s a good idea to start your morning with a meal if you want to maximize muscle growth. This is because the main dietary requirement for building muscle is to be in a calorie surplus, and if you want to bulk up without adding too much body fat in the process, you're going to mostly be eating natural foods that are very filling per calorie contained. So the more you space out your meals the more time you'll have to digest the large amount of calories you're required to take in on a daily basis to grow. Of course, many people make the mistake of using mass gainers and supplements to increase their calorie count to meet their daily surplus requirements. Not only does this lead to fat gain due to the sugar content of these mass gainer supplements but there's also evidence that unprocessed foods lead to better results than processed ones. This is why you may have heard that you should try to eat whole meals over supplements whenever possible. With protein for example we have research that shows that whole milk stimulates more protein synthesis than skim milk, even when the whole milk contains less protein than the skim milk. (1) This is most likely due to the food processing because another study found that even after adding milk fat to casein, which is a milk-based protein source, it didn't end up increasing muscle protein synthesis. (2) Aside from processing, we also don't know what we don't know, so chances are high we haven't discovered every vtial vitamin, mineral, and chemical found in natural food and how those substances impact muscle growth. So the point is to start your day with a big breakfast made up of whole foods to help you add a bunch of calories to your daily total early on, while still giving you time to digest everything before your next meal.  Another habit that can be very beneficial for certain people is to get your workout done soon after you wake up. Even though research shows that you'll most likely be able to lift more weight and feel stronger with late afternoon and evening workouts, you're not going to make any progress at all if you're skipping your afternoon or evening workouts. So if you struggle to get to the gym after work or you have a busy schedule that typically leaves you exhausted then make sure you get your workout done first thing in the morning. Completing your workout first thing in the morning is the solution if you find yourself making excuses later in the day because it guarantees that you actually get it done, which is way more important than a slight strength boost that you'll potentially get assuming you make it to the gym later in the day.  This goes hand in hand with another thing you may want to do first thing in the morning which is to drink coffee. Of course, coffee isn't required but it could benefit muscle growth, especially if you train in the morning. Research shows that a dose of around 250 mg of caffeine in the morning raises neuromuscular readiness to perform close to afternoon levels. (9) Caffeine also increases your performance and motivation to train. So, if you train in the morning, consider drinking coffee or maybe a pre-workout supplement with caffeine beforehand. Another thing that can boost your energy and provide motivation in the morning is taking a cold shower. Now taking a cold shower isn't going to make your muscles grow on its own. But taking a cold shower will increase your energy levels and mood while benefiting your mental toughness. Or in other words, your ability to do things that might be uncomfortable or you don't really want to do.  Many people experience that if they take a cold shower in the morning, they become more productive throughout the rest of the day because they've already had their first “win” and got the momentum going and that can help motivate you to actually do your workout. On top of that cold showers can reduce inflammation in your body. One of the ways a cold shower can do this is by..

Monday, August 15, 2022

You Will NEVER EAT Sugar Again After WATCHING THIS! | Dr. David Perlmutter

You Will NEVER EAT Sugar Again After WATCHING THIS! | Dr. David Perlmutter

Download Impact Theory's podcast episodes here! https://apple.co/3NOBxKJ Join our Discord community so you don’t miss out on all the amazing things we are working on - http://impacttheory.com/discord. Here you will get direct access to Tom and the team PLUS exclusive content, offers, and so much more. Jump on in and get started on becoming legendary! Dr. David Perlmutter is a Board-Certified Neurologist and the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Grain Brain. In this episode of Health Theory, he and host Tom Bilyeu discuss the important health metrics to pay attention to, how lifestyle affects health, and the importance of connection. BUY GRAIN BRAIN BY DR PERLMUTTER: https://amzn.to/2DvlpvW SHOW NOTES The cutting edge in health now [01:09] How to use your genetics to your advantage [04:34] Is lower blood sugar always better? [06:02] Why there is no treatment for Alzheimer’s [08:07] The effects of exercise on your brain [12:16] Why aerobic exercise makes sense from an ancestral perspective [19:00] Is a vegan diet bad for blood sugar? [20:55] Are fecal transplants the future of Autism treatment? [24:37] Why now is the time to prevent dementia [31:30] Why you may not need to lower your cholesterol [33:33] How you can actually prevent dementia [38:54] The importance of sending the right signals to your genes [41:55] Are we all brainwashed? [46:53] DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: Grain Brain by David Perlmutter: https://amzn.to/2DvlpvW Dirty Genes by Ben Lynch: https://amzn.to/2FYJdd8 FOLLOW DAVID PERLMUTTER WEBSITE: https://bit.ly/2qjXoks YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/2wEQoCS INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/2RHbwE6 FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/1KcG7Pw TWITTER: @ IMPACT THEORY MERCHANDISE: Check out Impact Theory's Merch Shop: http://bit.ly/ImpactTheoryShop

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Finger Fitness 1 :Be a Genius!

Finger Fitness 1 :Be a Genius!

A person's finger needs as much exercise as the body needs to stay fit and flexible.

Finger fitness allows the person to enhance their coordination, finger independence, hand strength,

and muscle reflexes.

The video will demonstrate to individually move the finger without relying on other finger muscles

to support its movement.

This exercise will help benefit for those who play instruments, sports, or wish to improve

their typing skills.

Also can approve memory in very short time.

EAT THREE THINGS EVERY DAY | AGE WILL ALMOST STOP! Increase Health and Longevity | Sadhguru

EAT THREE THINGS EVERY DAY | AGE WILL ALMOST STOP! Increase Health and Longevity | Sadhguru

📌 Ride with MYSTIC has the authorization of the owner to sadhguru content in any distribution or channels – offline and online – and monetize them as well. We have used Sadhguru's content in our video with his kind permission. We have the authorization of the owner to use this video/audio on any distribution or channels – offline and online – and monetize them as well. We are thankful to isha foundation for this content. ▶ FAIR-USE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. *This video has no negative impact on the original works. *This video is for teaching purposes. *Have used videos to make learning and understanding easy. About Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Isha yoga center. Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times. Subscribe to Sadhguru YouTube Channel Here: https://youtube.com/user/sadhguru?sub... Official Sadhguru Website http://isha.sadhguru.org Official Social Profiles of #Sadhguru https://facebook.com/sadhguru https://instagram.com/sadhguru https://twitter.com/SadhguruJV https://t.me/Sadhguru