Here goes one my Borneo Adventure trips!
I purposely didn't add music in here because I love hearing the sound
of elephants
communicating which each other.
Calling, screaming out to one another to cross the river.
We were so blessed to have witnessed this amazing event during our
CS Ling Wildlife Photography adventure.
You see, we were supposed to be looking out for Orangutangs, birds etc.
But to our surprise, these magnificent elusive creatures popped out and
started to cross the river for about half an front of our faces.
Really! Such an unforgettable moment of my life.
Until now, I could still hear the sounds of the water and smell them.
Okay! Enough of the talking errr, writing...
Prepare your popcorn because this is about 12 minutes long.
I've already trimmed this down yah.
So just enjoy!