Showing posts with label Fudge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fudge. Show all posts

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Missing Dog in Singapore : FUDGE

Fudge, is a male chocolate Labrador about 9 years old, went
missing on the night of 27 July 2012 at Chuan Gardens in Serangoon
Gardens, Singapore 554805.

He is a very gentle dog. . He is wearing a white and red bandana
around his neck, is chocoloate brown, but with grey hair on his
snout and paws from age. Please call the owner, Ms Thavamat at
96984432 or Lini at 9367 2509 if you receive any
reports of him.

For details and photos, please visit

Please help to pass the word around. Thank you.

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